Urban Planning Law / Zoning Law

Κάθε προσπάθεια του Κράτους, να εντάξει μία περιοχή σε ένα χωροταξικό ή πολεοδομικό σχεδιασμό συνήθως προκαλεί προβλήματα στους κατοίκους της εν λόγω περιοχής Τούτο διότι συνεπάγεται προσβολή της ιδιοκτησίας (ακίνητης περιουσίας), είτε με στέρηση αυτής (ρυμοτομική απαλλοτρίωση) είτε με περιορισμό της (εισφορά σε γη).

Our law office provides services regarding all spatial planning/urban planning law problems, which may arise (a) during the planning of the space in a broad sense, i.e. during spatial planning (General and Regional Spatial Frameworks, Special Spatial Frameworks etc. e.g. for the A.P.E.), and according to urban planning (city plan, urban plan, general urban plan, Residential Control Zone, "local urban plans" of Law 4269/2014, or Local Spatial Plans of Law 4447/2016) and (b) in the strict sense of urban planning, i.e. in the implementation of the plans in practice with the corresponding implementation acts.

In particular, we provide specialized knowledge and experience in matters related to:

  • Issues that arise during the approval of the Spatial Frameworks (Special/Regional) and during the approval of the General Urban Plan (landscape plan, GIS, Residential Control Zone, city plan, etc.).
  • Issues from the restriction of ownership as a result of the approval of the Spatial and Town Planning Plans and from the approval of the implementation deed following the previous plans.
  • Issues of legal and forced expropriations (infringement of the respective acts of expropriation, procedure for lifting/revocation of expropriation, re-declaration of expropriation, expropriation for archaeological reasons, infringement of acts of contribution and land and in money).
  • Compensation due to expropriation (determination of provisional and final unit price).
  • Issues arising during the issuance of building permits. Legal protection for the cancellation of a building permit or for the protection of a building permit that third parties have violated upon cancellation.
  • Issues related to the regularization of unauthorized constructions with Laws 3843/2010, 4014/2011 and 4178/2013 as well as issues related to the violation of urban planning fines for erecting and maintaining unauthorized structures.
  • Issues of banning the development of productive activities as a result of the approval of town planning plans.
  • Issues related to off-plan construction, such as e.g. building in the off-plan area.
  • Installation and operation of various industrial or craft facilities or professional workshops in the off-plan area (e.g. installation and operation of a Waste Transfer Station in an off-plan area, conditions and limitations of installation and operation).
  • Protocol of expulsion from beach (legal protection).
  • Protocol for determining compensation for arbitrary use of public property (forest, seashore, legal protection).
  • Deeds defining the boundary line of the seashore, old seashore and beach.

Spatial planning and urban planning have always been a primary priority of the State (from ancient times Hippodamus, Milesius is considered the "father of urban planning"), however even today half of Greece is outside of urban planning. The purpose of town planning is the sustainable residential development of the area, a concept that means its productive development with as much respect for the environment.

To Contact us

Call us at 210-7248839 or 697-4067853.


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