Law of Unfair Competition

The law of unfair competition, as a subcategory of the law of industrial property, includes regulations, which concern the illegal acts of companies based on which they aim to gain a competitive advantage over other companies with a similar object.

An act falls within the law of unfair competition when it is based on methods that lead to the illegal attraction of customers, to copying/imitation of competitors' products or services, to copying/imitation of a competitor's mark or brand, to the recruitment of a competitor's employee, to misleading advertising of products/services, to unjustified interruption of long-term partnerships, etc.

Our law office provides advisory and judicial services related to legal coverage or protection in the following cases:

  • Unfair copying/imitation of product or service
  • Illegal copying/imitation of brand or trade name or domain name
  • Unfair copying/imitation of intellectual or inventive work
  • Illegal posting of labor (posting of a worker)
  • Unfair customer referral
  • Unfair copying of know-how
  • Misleading or comparative advertising
  • Defamatory rumors and rumors against a competitor
  • Illegal termination of long-term contracts
  • Illegal manipulation of prices or supply and demand

For more topics related to acts of unfair competition click here.

For merchandise/product copy infringement issues click here.

For the customer posting and employee posting issues click here and here.

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