Trademark Law

Each business has brands, marks and indications to distinguish the business itself, its products, services, etc. from other businesses and their own products/services. All such business rights and assets may a) be copied and b) must be protected by the business.

The trademark is the indication by which a company distinguishes its products or services from the products and services of other companies. Usually the mark is a name-word but may consist of a word with an illustration or only an illustration. The mark is imprinted in the customer's perception and connects the mark with the product/service and the specific company that has it. Brands that are established in the market can be stolen - copied by competitors.

Trademark law regulates the acquisition of a right to a trademark, its use, its transfer and its protection against imitation. It also regulates the deletion of a company's trademark if it has been registered illegally or offends another company.

Our law office provides legal services regarding:

  • Acquiring a trademark (filing and registration of trademarks)
  • The deletion of a trademark illegally acquired by a competitor
  • The judicial protection of trademarks or domain names against copying/imitation by competitors
  • The drawing up of license agreements for the use of rights
  • The drawing up of rights transfer contracts
  • Protection against breach of contractual obligations in relation to trademarks

To Contact us

Call us at 210-7248839 or 697-4067853.

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