Auditing Conference

The disputes brought before the Court of Auditors are specific and specifically determined by the Constitution itself (art. 98 of the Constitution), and mainly concern the control of State expenditures, control of the accounts of public accountants (with reference to the ascertainment of deficits and the attribution of ascertained deficits to public accountants), the pre-contractual control of public contracts of great economic value and in pension issues of public servants.

Our law firm has specialized knowledge and experience in providing legal services in matters related to the competences of the Court of Auditors and in particular in matters relating to:

  • Identification of a deficit and imputation to the public accountant of the corresponding amount of the identified deficit (legal protection).


  • Control of the accounts and expenses of the State and the Local Government.


  • Pension disputes, such as acts of the Minister of Finance, which refuse the award or award less than the entitled pension, acts of imputing sums of money for the return of an unduly paid pension.


  • Revocation of Stage actions in the case of pre-contractual control of public contracts.

To Contact us

Call us at 210-7248839 or 697-4067853.