Bankruptcy Law-Reorganization Law

The trader or a trading company assumes a number of obligations and risks. The inability of the merchant or company to meet its financial obligations is regulated by bankruptcy law. It should be noted that Greek law provides for the trader's obligation to initiate bankruptcy proceedings when the conditions are met. After all, the provisions of bankruptcy law do not always lead to the commercial "end". On the contrary, the bankruptcy law itself provides for specific procedures, within which the company can be reorganized and restructure its debts towards suppliers and lenders/creditors.

Bankruptcy law also regulates the consolidation of the company and its exit from financial weakness. This can happen both through the conciliation/resolution process (Article 99) and through the restructuring process. Through these procedures, the company can get out of its business problems by agreeing with its creditors.

Our law office, in collaboration with certified auditors and financial advisors of international and recognized prestige, provides the possibility of an effective exit from the financial crisis.

In particular, we undertake:

  • Conciliation (reconciliation) procedure of articles 99 et seq. Law 3588/2007
  • Petition and procedure for bankruptcy of a merchant or commercial company
  • Business reorganization
  • Notice of Trade Creditors Claims
  • Invalidity of acts of merchant
  • Bankruptcy expropriation or claim

For the issue of protecting suppliers, employees and creditors when a company enters Article 99 click here.

For the issue of inclusion in article 99 and the rescue of a business click here.

For the issue of the consolidation of a company according to article 99, click here.

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